eerdere optredens & Liedjes

CIGRE 2016

Hey Pier Nabuurs

The minute you walked Kema round
I could see you were a man of Sales & Marketing  
oh yes, Pier Nabuurs Bourgondian, Belgian kind,
say, wouldn’t your like to know what’s going on in my mind?  
So let me get right to the point.
I don’t stop technique for ev’ry guy I see
Hey Pier Nabuurs,
Teach, a little marketing to me
I would like to play golf, golf, golf
How’s about a six o seven?
the way you show me a lap top              
I won’t bore you with Ohm’s law
I’d like to be credible integer              
technological excellent & professional o yes, Pier Nabuurs
Customer dedicated, say Eagerness, entrepreneurship, on in my mind
I encourage people development
You’re the stimulating leader guy I see
Hey Pier Nabuurs
Let me fly a business class
give a driver and a Jaguar
play a little golf with me
eerste keer tijden cabaret optreden bij gelegenheid van KEMA’s 75 jarig bestaan in 2003,
laatste keer bij Pier’s afscheid in 2009

of: hoe gaat het eigenlijk met de E-sector